Misdemeanor DV - effect on Real Estate License
I will lose my livelihood if I lose my Real Estate license. Facing a possible misdemeanor DV conviction, how critical is it that the attorney representing me in DA's prosecution is also proficient in working with California DRE/BRE in order to make a strong effort on my behalf to allow me to keep my license?
Nathan’s Answer
If the misdemeanor is unrelated to real estate as it seems to be here, and you have not been in contact with the BRE yet, it is appropriate to hire only criminal defense counsel for now to try and get the best result possible (ranges from charges being dropped to plea bargain). If any contact is made with the BRE, by say, an investigator, ask to speak with an attorney first. Then obtain administrative counsel. Just keep in mind that if you are only going with criminal defense counsel, that they are reminded you are concerned about your license so that they do not for example, plea bargain you down in a way that has you unnecessarily implicating yourself on the record to facts the BRE would jump on.